Syllabus for the Dept. of EEE of Affiliated Engineering Colleges, Dhaka University
1 st Year 1 st Semester
Course Title
Practical/ Credit
EEE 1101
Electrical Circuit I
EEE 1102
Electrical Circuit I Sessional
CSE 1101
Computer Programming
CSE 1102
Computer Programming Sessional
CE 1102
Computer Aided Engineering Drawing
Electricity and Magnetism, Modern
PHY 1101
Physics and Mechanics
Electricity and Magnetism, Modern
PHY 1102
Physics and Mechanics Sessional
MATH 1101
Differential & Integral Calculus and
Co-ordinate Geometry
GED 1101
English for Technical Communication
1 st Year 2 nd Semester
Course Title
EEE 1201
Electrical Circuits II
EEE 1202
Electrical Circuits II Sessional
EEE 1203
Electrical Properties of Materials
PHY 1201
Waves and Oscillations, Optics and
Thermal Physics
PHY 1202
Waves and Oscillations, Optics and
Thermal Physics Sessional
Differential Equations and Complex
MATH 1201
CHEM 1201 Chemistry
CHEM 1202 Chemistry Sessional
GED 1201
Bangladesh Studies
Syllabus for the Dept. of EEE of Affiliated Engineering Colleges, Dhaka University
2 nd Year 1 st Semester
Course Title
EEE 2101 Electronics I
EEE 2102 Electronics I Sessional
EEE 2103 Energy Conversion I
EEE 2104
Energy Conversion I Sessional
EEE 2108
Electrical and Electronic Workshop
ME 2101
Basic Mechanical Engineering
ME 2102
Basic Mechanical Engineering
MATH 2101 Linear Algebra and Vector Analysis
GED 2101
Financial Account & Economic
2 nd Year 2 nd Semester
Course Title
EEE 2201 Electronic II
EEE 2202 Electronic II Sessional
EEE 4223 Energy Conversion II
EEE 2204 Energy Conversion II Sessional
EEE 2205 Engineering Electromagnetics
EEE 2208 Electrical Services Design
MATH 2201 Statistics& Probability
GED 2201
Professional Ethics and Moral
Syllabus for the Dept. of EEE of Affiliated Engineering Colleges, Dhaka University
3 rd Year 1 st Semester
Course Title
EEE 3101
Electrical Measurement &
EEE 3102
Electrical Measurement &
Instrumentation Sessional
EEE 3103 Digital Electronics
EEE 3104 Digital Electronics Sessional
EEE 3105 Power System I
EEE 3106 Power System I Sessional
EEE 3107
Power Electronics and Industrial
EEE 3108
Power Electronics and Industrial
Drives Sessional
GED 3101 Engineering Management
3 rd Year 2 nd Semester
Course Title
EEE 3201
Communication Engineering
EEE 3202
Communication Engineering
Fundamentals Sessional
EEE 3203 Power System II
EEE 3205 Signals and Systems
EEE 3207 Numerical Methods
EEE 3208 Numerical Methods Sessional
CSE 3201 Microprocessor & Microcontroller
CSE 3202
Microprocessor & Microcontroller
Syllabus for the Dept. of EEE of Affiliated Engineering Colleges, Dhaka University
4 th Year 1 st Semester
Course Title
EEE 4100* Project & Thesis
EEE 4101
Digital Signal Processing
EEE 4102
Digital Signal Processing Sessional
EEE 4103
Control System
EEE 4104
Control System Sessional
EEE 4105
VLSI Circuits and Design
EEE 4106
VLSI Circuits and Design Sessional
EEE 4111** Renewable Energy
EEE 4113** High Voltage Engineering
10 EEE 4115** Optoelectronics
11 EEE 4117** Mobile Cellular Communication
12 EEE 4119** Biomedical Engineering
*the course will be evaluated at the end of 4 th year 2 nd semester along with EEE 4200.
**Students can choose two courses according to their interest. If the students’ choice differs,
then offering of the courses will depend on number of students and availability of faculties.
4 th Year 2 nd Semester
Course Title
Practical/ Credit
EEE 4200
Project & Thesis
EEE 4201
Power System Protection
EEE 4202
Power System Protection Sessional
EEE 4203
Power Plant Engineering and
EEE 4208* Industrial Attachment*
EEE 4211** Smart Grid
EEE 4213**
Introduction to Nanotechnology and
EEE 4215** Optical Fiber Communication
EEE 4217** Radar and Satellite Communication
10 EEE 4219** Medical Imaging
*Industrial Attachment: Students will be attached with the industries/service agencies/
Professional training Institute for two weeks after completing their 4th year 1st semester
(before starting 4th year 2nd semester/during any vacation in 4th year 2nd semester) to gain
practical knowledge.
**Students can choose two courses according to their interest. If the students’ choice differs,
then offering of the courses will depend on number of students and availability of faculties.
Syllabus for the Dept. of EEE of Affiliated Engineering Colleges, Dhaka University
Course Identification:
Every course has a unique course code. The letter prefix in any course code indicates the field
or the discipline of the course, e.g., EEE stands for Electrical and Electronic Engineering ,
CSE for C omputer Science and Engineering , ME for Mechanical Engineering , CE for
Civil Engineering , CHEM for Chemistry , PHY for Physics , MATH for Mathematics and
GED for General Education .
The digits in the course code have the following meaning:
The first digit corresponds to the year in which the course is taken by the student.
The second digit represents the semester in which the course is taken by the student.
The third and fourth digits are used to specify the course.
The third digit is 1 for elective courses and for all other course is 0
The last (fourth) digit is odd for theoretical course and even for laboratory or sessional
Course Summary
Course Type
Theory (Credit)
Sessional (Credit)
Total (Credit)
1 st Year 1 st Semester
1 st Year 2 nd Semester
2 nd Year 1 st Semester
2 nd Year 2 nd Semester
3 rd Year 1 st Semester
3 rd Year 2 nd Semester
4 th Year 1 st Semester
4 th Year 2 nd Semester
4 th Year 1 st Semester
4 th Year 2 nd Semester
1 st Year 1 st Semester
2 nd Year 1 st Semester
3 rd Year 2 nd Semester
1 st Year 1 st Semester
1 st Year 2 nd Semester
2 nd Year 1 st Semester
2 nd Year 2 nd Semester
1 st Year 1 st Semester
1 st Year 2 nd Semester
2 nd Year 1 st Semester
2 nd Year 2 nd Semester
3 rd Year 1 st Semester
Syllabus for the Dept. of EEE of Affiliated Engineering Colleges, Dhaka University
Core Courses
EEE 1101 Electrical Circuits I
Contact hours/week: 3, Credit: 3.
Circuit variables: voltage, current, power and energy, Voltage andcurrent independent and
depended sources, Circuit elements: resistance, inductance and capacitance. Modeling of
practical   law and   laws, Solution of simple circuits with both
equivalents,Voltage and current divider circuits, Delta-Wyeequivalent circuits, Techniques of
general DC circuit analysis(containing both independent and dependent sources): Node-
voltagemethod, Mesh-current method, Source transformations.Thevenin andNorton
equivalents, Maximum power transfer. Superposition technique. Properties of Inductances
and capacitances. Series-parallelcombinations of inductances and capacitances; Concepts
oftransientand steady state response with dc source.
Definitions of ac voltage, current, power, volt-ampere and variousfactors (including power,
peak, form factors etc.) , Introduction tosinusoidalsteady state analysis: Sinusoidal sources,
phasor,impedance, admittance, reactance, susceptance; voltage, current,power of R, L, C, R-
L, R-C, R-L-C circuits with sinusoidal source,Seriesparallel and Delta-Wye simplifications of
circuits with R, L,Cs. Techniques of general ac circuit analysis (containing bothindependent
and dependent sources): Node-voltage method, Meshcurrentmethod, Source transformations,
Thevenin and NortonEquivalents, Phasor diagrams. Sinusoidal steady state
powercalculations, RMS values, Real and reactive power. Maximum powertransfer,
impedance matching. Steady state voltage, current.
EEE 1102 Electrical Circuits I Sessional
Contact hours/week: 3, Credit: 1.5.
In this course students will perform experiments to verify practically the theories and
concepts learned in EEE 1101.
EEE 1201 Electrical Circuits II
Contact hours/week: 3, Credit: 3.
Circuits with non-sinusoidal excitations, power and power factor of ac circuits with multiple
sources of different frequencies; Transients inAC circuits, Resonance in AC circuits: Series
and parallelresonance and Q factors.Passive Filter Networks: basic types. Characteristic
impedance and attenuation, laddernetwork, low pass, high pass filters,propagation coefficient
and time delay in filter sections, practical composite filters. Magnetically coupled circuits.
Analysis of three phase circuits: Three phase supply, balanced and unbalancedcircuits, power
calculation and measurements, Power factor improvement.
Magnetic Circuits: Magnetic quantities and variables: Field, Flux, Flux Density, Magneto-
motive Force, Magnetic Field Strength,permeability and B-H Curve, reluctance, magnetic
field strength. Laws in magnetic circuits: Ohm's law and Ampere's circuital law.Magnetic
circuits: Composite series magnetic circuit, parallel and series-parallel circuits. Comparison
between electrical and magneticquantities, Hysteresis and hysteresis loss. Magnetic materials.
EEE 1202 Electrical Circuits II Sessional
Contact hours/week: 3, Credit: 1.5.
In this course students will perform experiments to verify practically the theories and
concepts learned in EEE 1201 and also simulated these experiments with simulation software
(i.e. PSpice, Proteus, Multisim etc.).
EEE 1203 Electrical Properties of Materials
Contact hours/week: 3, Credit: 3.
Syllabus for the Dept. of EEE of Affiliated Engineering Colleges, Dhaka University
Crystal structures: Types of crystals, lattice and basis, Bravais lattice and Miller indices.
Classical theory of electrical and thermal conduction: Scattering, mobility and resistivity,
temperature dependence of metal resistivity,       rule, Hall effect and thermal
conductivity. Introduction to quantum mechanics: Wave nature of electrons,         
equation, one-dimensional quantum problems- infinite quantum well, potential step and
potential barrier;           uncertainty principle and quantum box, Electron in a 3D box.
Hydrogen Atom.
Band theory of solids: Band theory from molecular orbital, Bloch theorem, Kronig-Penny
model, Brillouin zone, effective mass, density-of-states. Carrier statistics: Maxwell-
Boltzmann and Fermi-Dirac distributions, Fermi energy. Modern theory of metals:
Determination of Fermi energy and average energy of electrons, classical and quantum
mechanical calculation of specific heat.
Dielectric properties of materials: Dielectric constant, polarization-electronic, ionic,
orientational and interfacial; internal field, Clausius-Mosotti equation, spontaneous
polarization, frequency dependence of dielectric constant, dielectric loss,
piezoelectricity,ferro-electricity, pyro-electricity.
Magnetic properties of materials: Magnetic moment, magnetizationand relative
permittivity, different types of magnetic materials, origin of ferromagnetism and magnetic
Introduction to superconductivity: Zero resistance and Meissner effect, Type I and Type II
superconductors and critical currentdensity. BCS theory. Magnetic recording materials,
Josephsontheory.Introduction to meta-materials.
EEE 2101 Electronics I
Contact hours/week: 3, Credit: 3.
Semiconductor diodes: semiconductor material and properties, pnjunction, diode circuits: dc
analysis and models, diode circuits: ACequivalent circuits, other diode types, single phase
rectification and regulators, Zener diode circuits, clipper and clamper circuits, multiplediode
circuits, photo diodes and LED circuits, DC power supply;
Bipolar Junction transistor (BJT): BJT, DC analysis of BJT circuits, basic transistor
applications, biasing, multistage circuits, BJT linear amplifiers-basic configurations, CE
amplifiers, AC load lines, CC and CB amplifier, multistage amplifiers, power consideration;
Frequency Response: Amplifier frequency response, system transfer function, frequency
response: transistor amplifiers with circuit capacitors, frequency response-BJT.
Field Effect Transistors (FET): Structure and Operation of JFET, JFET Characteristics,
JFET amplifiers Structure of MOSFET, Current-VoltageCharacteristics, MOS Device
Models, DC circuit analysis, basicMOFET applications, Biasing, constant current biasing,
multistageMOSFET circuits, Junction Field effect transistor (JFET), MOSFETamplifier:
basic transistor amplifier configurations-Common-Source,Common-Gate Stage, Source
Follower (common drain); single stageintegrated circuit MOSFET amplifiers, multistage
amplifiers, frequency response of FET
Power Amplifiers: power amplifiers, power transistors, classes ofamplifiers, Class-A power
amplifier, Class-AB push pullcomplimentary output stage.
EEE 2102 Electronics I Sessional
Contact hours/week: 3, Credit: 1.5.
In this course students will perform experiments to verify practically the theories and
concepts learned inEEE 2101 and also simulated these experiments with simulation software
(i.e. PSpice, Proteus, Multisim etc.).
EEE 2103 Energy Conversion I
Contact hours/week: 3, Credit: 3.
Syllabus for the Dept. of EEE of Affiliated Engineering Colleges, Dhaka University
DC Generators: Types, no-load voltage characteristics, build up of a self excited shunt
generator, load-voltagecharacteristic, effect of speed on no-load and load characteristics and
voltage regulation, armature reaction.
DC Motor: Operating principle, counter emf, torque, speed, torque-speed characteristics,
starting, braking, andspeed control.
Transformer: principle of operation, construction, no load andexcitation current, behavior
during loading, effect of leakage flux,ideal transformer, leakage reactance and equivalent
circuit of atransformer, equivalent impedance, voltage regulation, per unitquantities,
regulation, losses and efficiency, determination ofparameters by tests, polarity of transformer
windings, vector group,transformer parallel operation. Harmonics in excitation
current,transformer inrush current, three phase transformer connections, threephase
transformers, harmonic suppression in three phase transformerconnection. Auto-transformer,
instrument transformers.
EEE 2104 Energy Conversion I Sessional
Contact hours/week: 3, Credit: 1.5.
In this course students will perform experiments to verify practically the theories and
concepts learned in EEE 2103
EEE 2108: Electrical & Electronic Workshop practice
Contact hours/week: 3 Credits:1.5
Verification of theories and concepts learned in electrical and electronic circuit theory
courses by performing various projects to solve real life problems.
EEE 2201 Electronic II
Contact hours/week: 3, Credit: 3.
Ideal operational amplifier and op-amp circuits: Op-amp applications: inverting amplifier,
non-inverting amplifier,summing amplifier, differential amplifier, logarithmic amplifier,
operationaltrans-conductance amplifiers exponential amplifier, differentiator, integrator,
voltage to current converter, voltage follower, and otherapplications.Non-ideality of op-amp:
Non-ideal op-amp characteristics and its effects.
Integrated circuit biasing and active loads: BJT current sources, FET current sources,
small signal analysis of active loads, designapplications: an NMOS current source;
differential and multistage amplifiers: BJT differential amplifier, FET differential amplifier,
differentialamplifier with active load, BiCMOS circuits, gain stage and simple output stage,
BJT operational amplifier circuit, Frequency response ofamplifiers: Poles, zeros and Bode
plots, amplifier transfer function, techniques of determining 3 dB frequencies of amplifier
circuits,frequency response of single-stage and cascade amplifiers, frequency response of
differential amplifiers;
Trans-conductance (serie-series) amplifiers, trans-resistance (shunt-shunt) amplifiers, loop
gain, stability of feedback circuit, frequencycompensation; Applications and Design of
Integrated Circuits: Active filter, Oscillators, Schmitt trigger Circuits, Non-sinusoidal
oscillatorsand timing circuits, integrated power amplifier, voltage regulator, Design
application: An active Bandpass filter. 555 Timer IC and itsApplications.
EEE 2202 Electronics II Sessional
Contact hours/week: 3, Credit: 1.5.
In this course students will perform experiments to verify practically the theories and
concepts learned in EEE 2201
EEE 2203 Energy Conversion II
Contact hours/week: 3, Credit: 3.
Syllabus for the Dept. of EEE of Affiliated Engineering Colleges, Dhaka University
Three phase induction motor: rotating magnetic field, reversal of rotating magnetic field,
synchronous speed, torque in induction motor,induction motor construction: squirrel cage,
wound rotor; slip and its effect on rotor frequency and voltage, equivalent circuit of an
induction motor, air gap power, mechanical power and developed torque, torque speed
characteristic, losses, efficiency and power factor, classification, motor performance as a
function of machine parameters, shaping torque speed characteristic and classes of induction
motor, per unit values of motor parameters, determination of induction motor parameters by
tests, methods of braking, speed control Induction generator: operation, characteristics,
voltage build up, applications in wind turbine.
Synchronous generator: construction, armature (stator) and rotating field (exciter),
excitation system with brushes and brushless excitationsystem, cooling, generated voltage
equation of distributed short pitched armature winding, armature winding connections and
harmoniccancellation in distributed short pitched winding, equivalent circuit, synchronous
impedance, generated voltage and terminal voltage,phasor diagram, voltage regulation with
different power factor type loads, determination of synchronous impedance by tests,
phasordiagram, salient pole generator d-q axes parameters, equivalent circuit, generator
equations, determination of d-q axes parameters bytests, equation of developed power and
torque of synchronous machines (salient and non salient pole motor and generator).
Paralleloperation of generators: requirement of parallel operation, conditions, synchronizing,
effect of synchronizing current, hunting and
oscillation, synchronoscope, phase sequence indicator, load distribution of alternators in
parallel, droop setting, frequency control, voltagecontrol, house diagrams.
Synchronous Motors: construction, operation, starting, effect of variation of load at normal
excitation, effect of variation of excitations, Vcurves, inverted V curves and compounding
curves, power factor adjustment, synchronous capacitor and power factor correction.
EEE 2204 Energy Conversion II Sessional
Contact hours/week: 3, Credit: 1.5.
In this course students will perform experiments to verify practically the theories and
concepts learned in EEE 2203
EEE 2205 Engineering Electromagnetics
Contact hours/week: 3, Credit: 3.
Static electric field: Postulates of electrostatics, Coulomb's law for discrete and continuously
distributed charges, Gauss's law and itsapplication, electric potential due to charge
distribution, conductors and dielectrics in static electric field, flux density- boundary
conditions;capacitance- electrostatic energy and forces, energy in terms of field equations,
capacitance calculation of different geometries; boundaryvalue problems- Poisson's and
Laplace's equations in different co-ordinate systems.
Steady electric current: Ohm's law, continuityequation, Joule's law, resistance calculation.
Static Magnetic field: Postulates of magnetostatics, Biot-Savart's law, Ampere's law
andapplications, vector magnetic potential, magnetic dipole, magnetization, magnetic field
intensity and relative permeability, boundaryconditions for magnetic field, magnetic energy,
magnetic forces, torque and inductance of different geometries.
Time varying fields and Maxwell's equations: Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction,
Maxwell's equations - differential and integral forms, boundaryconditions, potential
functions; time harmonic fields and Poynting theorem.
Plane electromagnetic wave: plane wave in loss less media-Doppler effect, transverse
electromagnetic wave, polarization of plane wave; plane wave in lossy media- low-loss
dielectrics, goodconductors; group velocity, instantaneous and average power densities,
normal and oblique incidence of plane waves at plane boundariesfor different polarization.
EEE 2208 Electrical Services Design
Contact hours/week: 3, Credit: 1.5.
Syllabus for the Dept. of EEE of Affiliated Engineering Colleges, Dhaka University
Familiarization with CAD tools for building services design.Introduction to building
regulations, codes and standards: BNBC,NFPA etc.Terminology and definitions: fuses,
circuit breakers,distribution boxes, cables, bus-bars and conduits.Familiarization withsymbols
and legends used for electrical services design. Classificationof wiring. Design for
illumination and lighting: lux, lumen, choice ofluminaries for various applications- domestic
building, office buildingand industry. Wattage rating of common electrical
equipment.Designing electrical distribution system for low and high risedomestic, office and
academic buildings, for multipurpose buildings.Size selection of conductors and breakers,
bus-bar trunking (BBT)system for various applications. Single line diagram (SLD) of atypical
11kV/0.415kV, 500kVA sub-station and a 200kVA polemountedtransformer.Earthing
requirements, various earthing methods. Earthing andlightning protection system
design.Familiarization with indoor and underground telephone and fiber opticcables, UTP
and CAT5/32 data cables. Designing routing layout andinstallation of intercom, PABX,
telephone, public address (PA)systems, cable TV distribution, LAN and wireless data
systems for abuilding.Safety regulations, design of security systems including CCTV,burglar
alarm.Concept of fire prevention and its importance. Fire detection (smoke,heat etc.) and
alarm system (with voice evacuation), firefightingsystem (sprinkler system, hose).Installation
of air-conditioning, heating, lifts and elevators.
EEE 3101 Electrical Measurement & Instrumentation
Contact hours/week: 3, Credit: 3.
Introduction: Methods of measurement. Statistical method applied to field of measurement
and error analysis andcalibration.Resistance, Inductance and Capacitance measurements:
Different methods of measuring high, medium and lowresistances. Methods of measuring self
and mutual inductance and capacitance. A.C. and DC bridgemethods, Measurement of
insulation and earth resistances. Localization of cable faults.
Magnetic measurement: Flux meter, Flux and Flux density measurement. Determination of
iron losses and theirseparation.
Measuring instruments: Classification of measuring instruments. Ammeter, Voltmeter,
wattmeter, AVO meter,Energy meter, Ampere-hour meter and Maximum demand meter for
measuring AC and DC quantities. Speed,frequency and phase difference measurements.
Illumination measurement.
Electronic measuring instruments: Digital instruments, VTVM, Q-meter and CRO.
Instrumentation: Extension of instrument range. Use of C.T. and P.T and calculation of
their burden,Instrumentation of substation.Measurement of non-electrical quantities:
Transducer. Measurement of temperature, pressure, displacement,velocity, acceleration.
Strain gauge and their applications.
EEE 3102 Measurement & Instrumentation Sessional
Contact hours/week: 3, Credits:1.5
In this course students will perform experiments to verify practically the theories and
concepts learned in EEE 3101.
EEE 3103 Digital Electronics
Contact hours/week: 3, Credit: 3.
Analysis and Synthesis of Digital Logic Circuits: Number system, codes, and conversion.
Boolean algebra, DeMorgan’s law, logic gates and truth tables, combinational logic design,
minimization techniques, implementation ofbasic static logic gates in CMOS and BiCMOS.
Arithmetic and data handling logic circuits, decoders and encoders,multiplexers and
combinational circuit design.
Programmable Logic Devices: Logic arrays, Field Programmable Logic Arrays and
Programmable Read OnlyMemory.
Syllabus for the Dept. of EEE of Affiliated Engineering Colleges, Dhaka University
Sequential Circuits : Different types of latches, flip-flops and their design using ASM
approach, timing analysis,timing analysis and power optimization of sequential circuits.
Modular sequential logic circuit design: Shiftregisters, counters and their applications.
EEE 3104 Digital Electronics Sessional
Contact hours/week: 3, Credit: 1.5.
In this course students will perform experiments to verify practically the theories and
concepts learned in EEE 3203
EEE 3105 Power System I
Contact hours/week: 3, Credit: 3.
Power factor Improvement: Causes, Power factor improvements process.
Electric power Supply System: Electric power supply system, AC power supply, high
voltage transmission, elements of power transmission, economics choice of conductor size
and voltage.
Mechanical Design of overhead lines: Conductor materials, line support, insulator, string
efficiency, Corona and corona power loss.
Transmission line parameters : Inductance - inductance due to internal flux, flux linkages
between points external to an isolated conductor,flux linkages of one conductor in a group,
single-phase two-wire line, composite-conductor lines, three-phase lines with equilateral/
unsymmetrical spacing, double circuits, bundled conductors;Capacitance - electric field of a
long straight conductor, potential difference between points due to a charge, capacitance of a
two-wire line,capacitance of three-phase line with equilateral/ unsymmetrical spacing, effect
of Earth on transmission line capacitance, bundledconductor, parallel-circuit three-phase
Performance of Transmission line: Classification, Equivalent circuit of short, medium and
long lines.
Underground cables: Types and construction; oil filled, gas insulated and XLPE cables;
electrical characteristics - electrical stress,capacitance, charging current, insulation resistance,
dielectric power factor and dielectric loss, skin effect, proximity effect; identification offault
Distributionsystems: Primary and secondary distribution - radial, ring main, and
interconnected system, distribution losses and feederreconfiguration. Cabletesting, DC
Distribution, AC distribution.
Voltage control: Importance, Methods of voltage control, Tap changing transformer, phase
shifting, booster and regulation transformer and shunt capacitor.
EEE 3106 Power System I Sessional
Contact hours/week: 3, Credit: 1.5.
In this course students will perform experiments to verify practically the theories and
concepts learned in EEE 3105.
EEE 3107 PowerElectronics and Industrial Drives
Contact hours/week: 3, Credit: 3.
Fundamental of power electronics, characteristics of static powersemiconductor devices
(BJT, MOSFET, IGBT, Thyristors).
AC/DC power converters: uncontrolled rectifiers (single phase and threephase), controlled
rectifiers (single phase and three phase), dualconverter.
AC/AC power converters: phase-controlled converters(single phase and three phase), AC
switch, cyclo-converter.
DC/DC converters: choppers (step down and step up), switching regulators(buck, boost,
Syllabus for the Dept. of EEE of Affiliated Engineering Colleges, Dhaka University
DC/AC converters: types, single phaseand three phase inverters. Various applications of
Introduction to power electronics control of motor: DC motor speed control, braking,
scalar control of poly-phase induction motor.
Industrial Application: Introduction to Electric arc furnace, Dielectric heating and induction
EEE 3108 Power Electronics and Industrial Drives Sessional
Contact hours/week: 3, Credit: 1.5.
In this course students will perform experiments to verify practically the theories and
concepts learned in EEE 3107.
EEE 3201 Communication Engineering Fundamentals
Contact hours/week: 3 Credits:3
Overview of communication systems: Basic Principles, fundamental elements, system
limitations, message source, bandwidth requirements, transmission media types, bandwidth
and transmission capacity.
Noise: Source, characteristics of various types of noise and signal to noise ratio.
Information theory: Measure of information, source encoding, error free communication
over a noisy channel, channel capacity of a continuous system and channel capacity of a
discrete memory less system.
Communication systems: Analog and digital.
Continuous wave modulation: Transmission types-base-band transmission.
Carrier transmission: amplitude modulation-introduction, double side band, single side
band, vestigial side band, quadrate, spectral analysis of each type, envelope and synchronous
detection; angle modulation-instantaneous frequency, frequency modulation (FM) and phase
modulation (PM), spectral analysis, demodulation of FM and PM.
Pulse modulation: Sampling-sampling theorem, Nyquist criterion, aliasing, instantaneous
and natural sampling; pulse amplitude modulation-principle, bandwidth requirements; pulse
code modulation (PCM)-quantization principle quantization noise, non-uniform quantization
signal to quantization error ratio, differential PCM, demodulation of PCM; delta modulation
(DM)-principle adaptive DM; line coding-formats and bandwidths.
Digital modulation: Amplitude-shift Keying-principle, ON-OFF keying, bandwidth
requirements, detection, noise performance; phase-shift keying (PSK)- principle, bandwidth
requirements, detection, differential PSK, QPSK, noise performance; frequency-shift keying
(FSK)-principle, continuous and discontinuous phase FSK, minimum shift keying, bandwidth
requirements, detection of FSK. Multiplexing: Time-division multiplexing (TDM)-principle,
receiver synchronization, frame synchronization, TDM of multiple bit rate systems;
frequency-division multiplexing (FDM)-principle, de-multiplexing; wavelength-division
multiplexing, multiple-access network-time-division multiple-access (TDMA), frequency-
division multiple access (FDMA); code-division multiple-access (CDMA)-spread spectrum
multiplexing, coding techniques and constraints of CDMA. Communication system design:
design parameters, channel selection criteria and performance simulation.
EEE 3202 Communication Engineering Fundamentals Sessional
Contact hours/week: 3 Credits:1.5
In this course students will perform experiments to verify practically the theories and
concepts learned in EEE 3201.
EEE 3203 Power System II
Contact hours/week: 3, Credit: 3.
Syllabus for the Dept. of EEE of Affiliated Engineering Colleges, Dhaka University
Fault analysis: Classification, effect of fault in power system, short circuit current and
reactance of a synchronous machine.
Fault calculation methods: Symmetrical fault calculation,Symmetrical components,
sequence networks and unsymmetrical fault calculation.
Load flow: Gauss- Siedel and Newton Raphson methods.
Synchronous machines: transient and subtransient reactance and shortcircuit currents.
Symmetrical fault calculation methods. Symmetricalcomponents: power, unsymmetrical
series impedances and sequencenetworks. Different types of unsymmetrical faults: solid
faults andfaults through impedance.
Stability: swing equation, power angle equation, equal area criterion, multi-machine system,
step by step solution of swing equation. Factors affecting stability. Reactive power
compensation. Flexible AC transmission system (FACTS). High voltage DC transmission
system. Power quality: harmonics, sag and swell.
Sub-stations: Classification, Equipment in a substation, Arrangements in substation.
EEE 3205 Signals and Systems
Contact hours/week: 3, Credit: 3.
Classification of signals and systems: signals- classification, basic operation on signals,
elementary signals, representation of signals using impulse function; systems- classification.
Linear Time Invariant (LTI) systems: Properties of LTI systems: Linearity, causality, time
invariance, memory, stability, invertibility. Time domain analysis of LTI systems:
Differential equations- system representation, order of the system, solution techniques, zero
state and zero input response, system properties; impulse response- convolution integral,
determination ofsystem properties; state variable- basic concept, state equation and time
domain solution.
Frequency domain analysis of LTI systems: Fourier series- properties, harmonic
representation, system response, frequency response of LTI systems; Fourier
transformationproperties,system transfer function, system response and distortionless
systems. Applications of time and frequency domain analyses: solution of analog electrical
and mechanical systems, amplitudemodulation and demodulation, time-division and
frequency-division multiplexing.
Laplace transformation: properties, inverse transform, solution of system equations, system
transfer function, system stability and frequency response and application.
EEE3207 Numerical Methods
Contact hours/week: 3, Credits:3
Computer algorithm, Mathematical modeling of physical systems. Iterative Techniques,
Solution of simultaneous equations, Interpolation, Curve fitting, Solution of Differential
Equations. Numerical solution of Integration. Application of the above techniques in
Electrical & Electronic Engineering through computer program.
EEE3208 Numerical Methods Sessional
Contact hours/week: 3, Credits: 1.5
In this course students will perform experiments to verify practically the theories and
concepts learned in EEE3207.
EEE 4100: Project and Thesis
Contact hours/week: 3, Credits:1.5
Syllabus for the Dept. of EEE of Affiliated Engineering Colleges, Dhaka University
EEE 4101 Digital Signal Processing
Contact hours/week: 3, Credit: 3.
Introduction todigital signal processing, sampling, quantization and signal reconstruction.
Analysis of discrete-time system in the timedomain: impulse response model, difference
equation model. Correlation: power signal, energy signal, applications. Z-transform
andanalysis of LTI systems.
Frequency analysis of discrete-time signals: discrete Fourier series and discrete-time Fourier
transform (DTFT).Frequency analysis of LTI systems. Discrete Fourier transform (DFT) and
fast Fourier transform (FFT). Minimum phase, maximum phaseand all pass systems.
Calculation of spectrum of discrete-time signals. Digital filter design- linear phase filters,
specifications, design usingwindow, optimal methods; IIR filters- specifications, design using
impulse invariant, bi-linear z- transformation, least-square methods.
EEE 4102Digital Signal Processing Sessional
Contact hours/week: 3, Credit:1.5
In this course students will perform experiments to verify practically the theories and
concepts learned in EEE 4101.
EEE 4103 Control System
Contact hours/week: 3, Credit: 3.
Review of Laplace transform, Initial and Final value theorems,Transfer Functions: Open-loop
stability, Poles, Zeros, Time response,Transients, Steady-state, Block diagrams and signal
flow diagram,Feedback principles: Open versus Closed-loop control, High gaincontrol,
Inversion; State variables: Signal flow diagram to statevariables, transfer function to state
variable and state variable totransfer function, Stability of closed-loop systems: Routh's
method,Root locus, PID control: Structure, Design using root locus, Poleassignment:
Sylvester's theorem, PI and PID synthesis using poleassignment, Frequency Response:
Nyquist plot, Bode diagram,Nyquist stability theorem, Stability margins, Closed-loop
sensitivityfunctions, Model errors, Robust stability, Controller design usingfrequency
response: Proportional control, Lead-lag control, PID
control, Digital control systems: introduction, sampled data systems,stability analysis in Z-
EEE 4104 Control System Sessional
Contact hours/week: 3, Credit:1.5
In this course students will perform experiments to verify practically the theories and
concepts learned in EEE 4103.
EEE 4105 VLSI Circuits and Design
Contact hours/week: 3, Credit: 3.
IC trends, technology and design approaches. MOS device: structure,operation, threshold
voltage and characteristics.
Ratioed circuits: NMOS inverter with resistive and transistor load,Pseudo NMOS inverter.
Ratioless circuits:CMOS inverters : operation, transfer characteristics, design for equal rise and
fall time, propagation delay, rise time, falltime and power consumption estimation. NMOS pass
transistor andCMOS pass gate circuits. Buffer chain design to drive large capacitiveload. Integrated
circuit fabrication technology : photolithography, CMOSprocess flow, design rules. Estimation of
resistance and capacitancefrom layout. Layout matching. Stick diagram and area estimation fromstick
diagram. Reliability issues : Latch-up, electromigartion.Basic logic gates in CMOS. Synthesis of
arbitrary combinational logicin CMOS, pseudo-NMOS, dynamic CMOS, clocked CMOS andCMOS
domino logic.
Syllabus for the Dept. of EEE of Affiliated Engineering Colleges, Dhaka University
Structured design: Parity generator, busarbitration logic, multiplexers based design, programmable
logic array(PLA) design. Clocked sequential circuit design: two phase clocking,dynamic shift register.
CMOS latches and flip flops.
Subsystem design : 4-bit arithmetic processor : bus architectures,shifter, design of a general purpose
Memory elements design: System timing consideration, threetransistors and one transistor dynamic
memory cell. Pseudo-staticRAM/register cell. 4 transistors dynamic and 32 transistors static
CMOSmemory cell. 4x4 bit register array and 132 bit static CMOS memoryarray.
Finite State Machine design: Design of Moore Type and Mealy type FSM using Verilog.
Testing VLSI circuits.
EEE 4106 VLSI Circuits and Design Sessional
Contact hours/week: 3, Credit: 1.5.
In this course students will perform experiments to verify practically the theories and
concepts learned in EEE 4105.
EEE 4200 Project and Thesis
Contact hours/week: 3, Credit: 1.5.
EEE 4201 Power System Protection
Contact hours/week: 3, Credit: 1.5.
Lightning arresters, CT, PT: wound type and CCVT (Capacitor Coupled Voltage
Transformer), MOCT (Magneto(HRC) Fuse, Drop Out Fuse (DOF), Load Break Switches,
Contactors. Bus bar layout, isolators, earthing switch;Minimum Oil Circuit Breaker (MOCB)
and Sulfur Hexafluoride (SF32) circuit breaker.High Rupturing Capacity
Electric arcs, arc extinction mechanism, transient recovery voltage. Circuit Breakers:
operating mechanisms,Optical Current Transducer).Breaker (ACB), Air Blast Circuit Breaker
(ABCB), Vacuum Circuit Breaker (VCB), Oil Circuit Breaker (OCB),construction and
operation of Miniature Circuit Breaker (MCB), Molded Case Circuit Breaker (MCCB), Air
CircuitFundamental of protective relaying. Classical relays (electromagnetic attraction type,
induction type); numericalrelays, distance relays, pilot relays (wire pilot, carrier).relays.
Inverse Definite Minimum Time (IDMT) relays, directional relays, differential and
percentage differentialProtection of generators, motors, transformers, transmission lines,
HVDC system and feeders.
EEE 4202 Power System Protection Sessional
Contact hours/week: 3, Credit: 1.5.
Sessional based on the theory of course EEE 4201.
EEE 4203 Power Plant Engineering and Economy
Contact hours/week: 3, Credits: 3
Introduction to thermal, hydro and nuclear power stations. Nuclear reactor, reactor
construction and control. Powerreactors. Central station reactors. Nuclear hazards.Variable
load problems, plotting and analysis of load curves, chronological load curves and load
duration curve. load curve and its use. Load factor, capacity factor, demand factor, utilization
factor, diversity factor etc. andthere impact over the cost analysis of power generation and
Load forecasting, selection of units and plant location.Load shearing: Base load and peak
load plants. Use of chronological load curves to distribute load among units.Power plant
Economics: Economic operation of power plants. Input output curve, heat rate curve,
incremental ratecurve. Use of incremental rate curve for optimum load scheduling.
Transmission line loss, determination of loss coefficient.Economic conductor selection,
Kelvin’s law. Graphical method for location of distribution systems. Tariffand tariff design.
Syllabus for the Dept. of EEE of Affiliated Engineering Colleges, Dhaka University
Bus system. Importance of power control. Current limiting reactors. Different types of bus
systemlayout. Forces on bus section in case of short circuit.
EEE 4208 Industrial Attachment
Contact hours/week: 3, Credits: 1.5.
Students will be attached with relevant the industries for two weeks after completing their 4 th
year 1 st semester (before starting 4 th year 2 nd semester/during any vacation in 4 th year
2 nd semester) to gain practical knowledge.
Elective Courses
EEE-4111 Renewable Energy
Contact hours/week: 3, Credit: 3.
Renewable energy sources : Solar, wind, mini-hydro, geothermal,biomass, wave and tides.
Solar Photovoltaic: Characteristics of photovoltaic (PV) systems, PVmodels andequivalent
circuits, sun tracking systems, MaximumPower Point Tracking (MPPT): chopper, inverter.
Sizing the PV paneland battery pack in stand-alone PV applications. Modern solar
energyapplications (residential, electric vehicle, naval, and space). Solarpower plants
connected to grid.
Solar thermal: principles of concentration, solar tower, parabolic dish,receiver, storage,
steam turbine and generator.
Wind turbines: Wind turbine types and their comparison, powerlimitation,     law;
Control mechanism: pitch, yaw, speed.Couplings between the turbine and the electric
generator, Windturbine generator - DC, synchronous, self excited induction generator
and doubly fed induction generator.
Grid interconnection: active andreactive powercontrol.Biomass and biogas electricity
EEE-4113 High Voltage Engineering
Contact hours/week: 3, Credit: 3.
Ionization and decay process: Townsend’s first and second ionization coefficient. Electric
breakdown in gases.Townsend’s criterion for spark breakdown. Sparking potential. Penning
effect. Corona discharges, power losscalculation. Breakdown of solid and liquid dielectrics.
Generation of high voltage: Alternating voltage, transformer cascade. Series resonant circuit
for high voltage actesting. Test of dc and ac cable.
Transient Voltage: Impulse wave shape. Impulse voltage generator and its mathematical
analysis. Designconsideration of impulse generators. Triggering of impulse generators.DC
voltage doubler and cascade circuits. Electrostatic generator, voltage stabilization.
Measurement of high voltage.Electrostatic voltmeter, sphere gap. Potential divider. High
Voltage testing of power system equipment. Oil testing.Design consideration of transmission
line based on direct stroke. High voltage transient in transmission line. Highvoltage lightning
arrester. Insulation co-ordination.
EEE-4115 Optoelectronics
Contact hours/week: 3, Credit: 3.
Optical properties in semiconductor: Direct and indirect band-gapmaterials, basic
transitions insemiconductors, radiative and nonradiativerecombination, opticalabsorption,
photo-generated excesscarriers, minority carrier life time, luminescence and
quantumefficiency in radiation.
Syllabus for the Dept. of EEE of Affiliated Engineering Colleges, Dhaka University
Properties of light: Particle and wave nature of light, polarization,interference, diffraction and
blackbody radiation.
Light emitting diode (LED): Principles, materials for visible andinfrared LED, internal and
external efficiency, loss mechanism,structure and coupling to optical fibers. Double-Hetero-
structure(DH) LEDs, Characteristics, Surface and Edge emitting LEDs.
Stimulated emission and light amplification: Spontaneous andstimulated emission,Einstein
relations, population inversion,absorption of radiation, optical feedback and threshold
conditions.Semiconductor Lasers: Population inversion in degeneratesemiconductors, laser
cavity, operating wavelength, threshold currentdensity, power output, elementary laser diode
characteristics, heterojunctionlasers, optical andelectrical confinement. single frequencysolid
state lasers-distributed Bragg reflector (DBR), distributedfeedback (DFB) laser.Introduction
to quantum well lasers. Introduction to quantum welllasers, Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting
Lasers (VCSELs), opticallaser amplifiers.
Photo-detectors: Photoconductors, junction photo-detectors, PINdetectors, avalanche
photodiodes, hetero-junction photodiodes,Schottky photo-diodes and phototransistors. Noise
in photodetectors.PIN and APD. Photo-detector design issues.
Solar cells: Solar energy and spectrum, silicon and Schottkey solar cells.
Modulation of light: Phase and amplitude modulation, electro-opticeffect, acousto-optic
effect and magneto-optic devices. Introductionto integrated optics.
EEE 4117 Mobile Cellular Communication
Contact hours/week: 3, Credit: 3.
Introduction: Concept, evolution and fundamentals. Analog and digital cellular systems.
Cellular Radio System: Frequency reuse, co-channel interference, cell splitting and
Mobile radio propagation: Propagation characteristics, models for radio propagation
antenna at cell site and mobile antenna. Frequency Management and Channel Assignment:
Fundamentals, spectrum utilization, fundamentals of channel assignment, fixed channel
assignment, non-fixed channel assignment, traffic and channel assignment.
Handoffs and Dropped Calls: Reasons and types, forced handoffs, mobile assisted handoffs
and dropped call rate.
Diversity Techniques: Concept of diversity branch and signal paths, carrier to noise and
carrier to interference ratio performance.
Digital cellular systems: Global system for mobile, time division multiple access and code
division multiple access.
EEE-4119 Biomedical Engineering
Contact hours/week: 3, Credit: 3
Origin and major types of biological signals: Human body: cells andphysiological systems,
bioelectric potential, bio-potential electrodesand amplifiers, blood pressure,flow, volume and
sound,electrocardiogram, electromyogram, electroencephalogram,phonocardiogram, vector
cardiogram. Interpretation of bio-signals.Noise in bio-signals.
Measurement of bio-signals: transducers, amplifiers and filters.Measurement and detection
of blood pressure. Blood flowmeasurement: plethysmograph and electromagnetic flow
meter.Measurement of respiratory volumes and flow, related devices.
Xray-Tomograph : positron emission tomography and computedtomography. Magnetic
resonance imaging. Ultrasonogram. Patientmonitoring system and medical telemetry.
Therapeutic devices:cardiac pacemakers and defibrillators. Electrical safety in
bioinstrumentations and sensing.
EEE-4211 Smart Grid
Syllabus for the Dept. of EEE of Affiliated Engineering Colleges, Dhaka University
Contact hours/week: 3, Credit: 3.
Smart grid: two way communication; distributed energy resources(DERs) - DG (distributed
generation) and ES (energy storage); highpower density batteries, EV (electric vehicles) and
PHEV (plug-inhybrid electric vehicles); smart sensors, meters and appliances atdemand
side.Data communication channels; protocols; TCP/IP; IEEE 802 series
Wireless LANs: Bluetooth, Zigbee, WiMax; wired LANs- Ethernet,PSTN, PLC (Power Line
Carrier); cyber security.
Smart meters and AMI (advanced metering infrastructure): construction; standards for
information exchange- Modbus, DNP3 andIEC321850; interfacing with HAN, NAN,
WAN.Power electronic interfaces between grid and DERs.
Demand side integration (DSI): DSM; real time pricing; ancillarymarkets; DR (demand
response) for load shaping, frequency andvoltage control, energy efficiency.Microgrids, self
healing and restoration.
EEE 4213 Introduction to Nanotechnology and Nanoelectronics
Contact hours/week: 3, Credit: 3.
Why Nanotechnology: importance, size scales, quantum size effects,revolutionary
applications, potentials. Nanotools: scanning tunnelingmicroscope, atomic forcemicroscope,
electron microscope,measurement techniques based on fluorescence, other techniques.
Basics of Fabrication : fabrication and processing industry, wafermanufacturing, deposition
techniques: evaporation, sputtering,chemical vapor deposition, epitaxy; Wet and dry etching
techniques;photolithography, electron beam lithography, stamp technology.Bottom-up
processes: chemical and organic synthesis techniques,selfassembly, other techniques.
Nanoelectronics: overview ofquantum mechanics, Schrodinger equation, particle in a box.
Bandtheory of solids. Importance of nanoelectronics,    law, ITRSroadmap. Tunneling
devices: quantum tunneling, resonant tunnelingdiodes. Single electron transistor: Coulomb
blockade. Quantumconfinement: wires and dots, carbon nanotubes, graphenes.
Briefintroductions on molecular electronics and Nanobiology.
EEE 4215Optical Fiber Communication
Contact hours/week: 3, Credit: 3
Introduction: Historical perspective, basic system, nature of light, advantages and
applications of fiber optic.
Optics review: Ray theory and applications, lenses, imaging, numerical aperture, diffraction.
Light wave fundamentals:Electromagnetic waves, Dispersion, polarization, resonant cavities,
reflection at plane boundary, critical angle. Integrated optic waveguides: Slab waveguide,
Modes in symmetric and asymmetric waveguide, coupling,Dispersion and distortion,
integrated optic components.
Optic fiber waveguide: Step index fiber, graded index fiber, attenuation, pulse distortion and
information rate,construction of optic fiber, optic fiber cables.
Light sources: LED, LD, distributed feedback LD, optical amplifiers, fiber laser, vertical
cavity surface emittinglaser diode.
Light detectors: Photo detection, photo multiplier, semiconductor photodiode, PIN
photodiode, avalanchephotodiode.
Couplers and connectors: Connector principle, end preparation, splices, connectors, source
Network distribution and fiber components : Directional couplers, star couplers, switches,
isolator, wave-lengthdivision multiplexing, fiber bragg grating.
Modulation: LED modulation, LD modulation, Analogue and digital modulation,
modulation formats, opticheterodyne receivers.
Noise and detection: Thermal shot and noise, SNR, error rates, receiver circuit design.
System design: Analogue and digital system design, few real life problems andexamples.
Syllabus for the Dept. of EEE of Affiliated Engineering Colleges, Dhaka University
EEE 4217 Radar and Satellite Communication
Contact hours/week: 3, Credits: 3
Radar: Introduction to Radar, Radar Equation CZ, Operating Principle of Radar with Block
Diagram, CW and FMRadar, Tracking Radar, Antennas for Radar, Radar Receivers, Radar
Transmitting System, Duplexer, UsableFrequencies for Radar, Radar Applications.
Satellite Communication: Overview of Satellite System Engineering. Spacecraft,
Introduction, to SpacecraftSubsystem. (AOCS), Telemetry, Tracking and command (TT&C).
Spacecraft Antennas, Basic Antenna Types andRelationships Spacecraft, Antennas in
Practice, Frequency Reuse Equipment Reliability and Space Qualification,
Reliability redundancy. Multiple Access. Earth station Technology: Earth Station Design,
Earth Station Design forLow System Noise Temperature, Large Earth Station
Antennas.Satellite Television Broadcasting Networks, VSAT technology.
EEE-4219 Medical Imaging
Contact hours/week: 3, Credit: 3.
Introduction to imaging, medical imaging modalities, Medicalimaging before x-rays,
Hippocratic thermography, dissection,laparoscopy, X-radiography, Computed tomography
(CT), evolution ofCT scanner design, image reconstruction algorithms, filtered
backprojectionmethod, iterative method, low dose computed tomography,
Ultrasound, Sonar and other early applications of acoustics, basicprinciples of ultrasound
imaging, Evolution of ultrasound technologyand clinical applications, Magnetic resonance
imaging, Early use ofnuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, Principles of
NMRand MRI, Evolution of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technologyand clinical
applications, development and applications of functional
MRI, Introduction to Nuclear imaging.
Allied Engineering Courses
CSE 1101 Computer Programming
Contact hours/week: 3, Credit: 3.
Introduction to digital computers. Programming languages,algorithms and flow charts.
Structured Programming using C:Variables and constants,operators, expressions, control
statements,functions, arrays, pointers, structure unions,user defined data types,input-output
and files.
Object-oriented Programming using C++:introduction, classes and objects; polymorphism;
function and operatoroverloading; inheritance.
CSE 1102 Computer Programming Sessional
Contact hours/week: 3, Credit: 1.5.
This course consists of two parts. In the first part, students will perform experiments to verify
practically the theories and concepts learned in CSE 1101. In the second part, students will
learn program design.
CE-1102 Computer Aided Engineering Drawing
Contact hours/week: 3, Credit: 1.5.
Introduction-lettering, numbering and heading; instrument and their use; sectional views and
isometric views of solid geometrical figures. Plan, elevation and section of multistoried
building; building services drawings; detailed drawing of lattice towers.
Introduction to CAD and usage of Auto-CAD in Drawing.
Syllabus for the Dept. of EEE of Affiliated Engineering Colleges, Dhaka University
ME 2101 Basic Mechanical Engineering
Contact hours/week: 3, Credit: 3.
Introduction to sources of energy : Steam generating units with accessories and mountings;
steam turbines.Introduction to internal combustion engines and their cycles, gas
turbines.Refrigeration and air conditioning: applications; refrigerants, different refrigeration
Fluid machinery: Study of reciprocation pumps.impulse and reaction turbines; Pelton wheel
and Kalpan turbine, centrifugal pumps, fans, blowers and compressors.Basics of conduction
and convection: critical thickness of insulation.
ME 2102 Basic Mechanical Engineering Sessional
Contact hours/week: 3, Credit: 1.5.
In this course students will perform experiments to verify practically the theories and
concepts learned in ME 2101.
CSE 3201 Microprocessor and Microcontroller
Contact hours/week: 3, Credits:3
Fundamental Concepts: Microprocessor: A programmable device; microcomputer
components and support ICs, building blocks of MPU based systems, microprocessor buses,
programming principles using MASM, microprocessor instructions.
132-bit Architecture: Pin diagram and functions, memory organization, bus activities,
register layout, internal processing blocks.
Instruction Set: Classifications of instructions, addressing modes, address computing chart.
I/O Controller Programming: Port definition and read/write instructions, parallel I/O
programming using 8255,serial I/O programming using 8251, display programming using
8279 and LCD, keyboard programming using 8279 and discrete components, generation of
timing functions using 8254 Timer/Counter.
Interrupt Structure: Interrupt terminologies, hardware and software interrupt, multiple
interrupt management, 8259 interrupt controller.
Data Conversion Algorithm: BCD2BIN conversion, BIN2BCD conversion, binary
multiplication, binary division.
System Design (80832 based digital weighing machine: DWM) Top-down/Bottom-up
design concept, hardware block diagram, control program flow chart, weight/rate acquisition
and processing and display, cost computation and processing and display.
Microcontroller : Different types of microcontroller, Processor architecture, microcontroller
memory types, microcontroller features, 8051 microcontroller architecture, 8051 addressing
modes, 8051 hardware features, 8051 programming
PIC microcontroller : PIC microcontroller features, PIC 132F877 microcontroller, architecture,
memory organization, I/O ports, Interrupts, timers, A/D I/O.
PLC: Controllers, Hardware, Internal architecture, Programming, Testing and debugging,
Commercial PLC.
CSE-3202 Microprocessor and Microcontroller Sessional
Contact hours/week: 3, Credits: 1.5
In this course students will perform experiments to verify practically the theories and
concepts learned in CSE 3201.
Syllabus for the Dept. of EEE of Affiliated Engineering Colleges, Dhaka University
General Science Courses
PHY 1101 Electricity and Magnetism, Modern Physics and Mechanics
Contact hours/week: 3, Credit: 3
Electricity and Magnetism : Electric charge and Coulomb’s law, Electric field, concept of
electric flux and the Gauss’s lawsome applications of Gauss’s law, Gauss’s law in vector
form, Electric potential, relation between electric field and electric potential, capacitance and
dielectrics, Current, Current density, ohm’s law, resistivity, the magnetic field, Ampere’s law,
BiotSavart law and their applications, Laws of electromagnetic induction, Faraday’s law,
Lenz’s law, self and mutual induction, Electric flux, Magnetic flux, magnetic materials,
magnetization curves, Maxwell’s equation.
Modern physics: Galilean relativity and Einstein’s special theory of relativity, Lorentz
transformation equations, Length contraction, Time dilation, relativity of mass and
massenergy relation. Photoelectric effect, Compton effect, De Broglie matter waves and its
success in explaining Bohr’s theory, Constituent of atomic nucleus, Nuclear binding energy,
different types of radioactivity, radioactive decay law, half life, mean life; Nuclear reactions,
nuclear fission, nuclear fusion, nuclear chain reaction, atomic power plant.
Mechanics: Linear momentum of a particle, linear momentum of a system of particles,
conservation of linear momentum of a particle, angular momentum of a system of particles,
Newton’s law of Gravitation, Gravitational constant, variation of acceleration of gravity,
applications of law of gravitation. Kepler’s law of planetary motion, the law of universal
Gravitation, the motion planets and satellites, escape velocity. Introductory quantum
mechanics; Wave function; Uncertainty principle, postulates, Schrodinger time independent
and time dependent equation, expectation value, Probability, Particle in a zero potential,
calculation of energy.
PHY 1102 Electricity and Magnetism, Modern Physics and Mechanics Sessional
Contact hours/week: 3, Credit: 1.5
In this course students will perform experiments to verify practically the theories and
concepts learned in PHY 1101.
MATH 1101 Differential & Integral Calculus and Coordinate Geometry
Contact hours/week: 3, Credit: 3
Differential Calculus: Continuity and differentiability; Leibnitz’s forms; Lagrange’s form of
remainders; Cauchy’s form of remainder; Expansion of functions; Evaluation of
indeterminate forms by L ’Hospitals rule; Partial differentiation; Euler’s Theorem; Tangent
and Normal; Subtangent and subnormal in Cartesian and polar coordinates; Maximum and
minimum values of functions of single variable.
Integral Calculus: Definite integrals and its properties; Wally’s formula; Improper integrals;
Beta function and Gamma function; Area under a plane curve in Cartesian and polar
coordinates; Area of the region enclosed by two curves in Cartesian and polar coordinates;
Arc lengths of curves in Cartesian and polar coordinates; Volume of solids of revolution;
Area of surface of revolution; Multiple integrals.
Coordinate Geometry :
Transformation of coordinates axes and its uses; General equations of second degree and
their reduction to standard forms; Pair of straight lines; System of circles; Coaxial circles and
limiting points; Equations of parabola, ellipse and hyperbola in Cartesian coordinates;
Tangents and normal; Pair of tangents; Chord of contact; Chord in terms of its middle point.;
Parametric coordinates; Conjugate diameters; Asymptotes
Syllabus for the Dept. of EEE of Affiliated Engineering Colleges, Dhaka University
PHY 1201 Waves and Oscillations, Optics and Thermal Physics
Contact hours/week: 3, Credit: 3
Waves and oscillations: Differential equation of simple harmonic oscillator, total energy and
average energy, combination of simple harmonic oscillations, Lissajous’ figures, spring mass
system, torsional pendulum; two body oscillation, reduced mass, damped oscillation, forced
oscillation, resonance, progressive wave, power and intensity of wave, types of wave,
transverse and longitudinal nature of waves, stationary and standing wave, group and phase
velocities, velocity of wave in different medium.
Optics: Theories of light; Interference of light, Young’s double slit experiment, displacement
of fringes and its uses, Fresnel biprism, interference in thin films, Newton’s rings,
interferometers; Diffraction: Diffraction by single slit, resolving power of optical instruments,
diffraction at double slit and Nslits, diffraction grating, polarization: Production and analysis
of polarized light, Brewster’s law, Malus law, polarization by double refraction, Nicol prism,
optical activity, optics of crystals, Polarimeters.
Thermal Physics: Heat and work; the first law of thermodynamics and its applications;
molar specific heats of gases, isothermal and adiabatic process, work done by gas, Kinetic
theory of gases; Kinetic interpretation of temperature, specific heats of ideal gases,
calculation of specific heat, equipartation of energy, mean free path, Maxwell’s distribution
of molecular speeds, reversible and irreversible processes, Carnot’s cycle, efficiency of
Carnot engine, second law thermodynamics, Carnot’s theorem, entropy, Thermodynamic
functions, Maxwell relations, Clausius and Clapeyron equation.
PHY 1202 Waves and Oscillations, Optics and Thermal Physics Sessional
Contact hours/week: 3, Credit: 1.5
In this course students will perform experiments to verify practically the theories and
concepts learned in PHY 1201.
MATH 1201 Differential Equations and Complex Variables
Contact hours/week: 3, Credit: 3
Ordinary Differential Equation : Formation of differential equations; Solution of first order
differential equations by various methods; Solution of differential equation of first order but
higher degrees; Solution of general linear equations of second and higher orders with
constant coefficient; Solution of Euler’s homogeneous linear differential equations.
Partial Differential Equation : Introduction, Linear and nonlinear first order differential
equations; Standard forms; Linear equations of higher order; Equations of the second order
with variable coefficients.
Complex Variable : Complex number system. General functions of a complex variable.
Limits and continuity of a function of complex variable and related theorems. Complex
differentiation and the CauchyReimann equations. Infinite series. Convergence and uniform
convergence. Line integral of a complex function. Cauchy’s integral formula. Liouville’s
theorem. Taylor’s and Laurent’s theorem. Singular points. Residue. Cauchy’s residue
Contact hours/week: 3, Credit: 3
Atomic structure, quantum numbers, electronic configuration, periodic table, Properties and
uses of noble gases, Different types of chemical bonds and their properties, Modern concept
of acid and bases, problems involving acid base titration,. Ionization of water and concept of
Ph Electrochemistry, Mechanism of electrolytic conduction, Transport number,
KohlRausch’s law. Different types of cells,Cell emf, Single electrode potentials, their
determination and application. Secondary cellsor Accumulators, lead accumulator and
Syllabus for the Dept. of EEE of Affiliated Engineering Colleges, Dhaka University
alkaline accumulator, Different types of solutions, Colligative properties of dilute solution,
Thermochemistry, Chemical kinetics, Chemical equilibria.
Contact hours/week: 3, Credit: 1.5
Volumetric analysis: acidbase titration, oxidationreduction titrations, determination of Fe, Cu
and Ca volumetrically.
MATH 2101 Linear Algebra and Vector Analysis
Contact hours/week: 3, Credit: 3
Linear Algebra : Introduction to systems of linear equations; Gaussianelimination; Inverse of
a matrix; Eigen values and eigenvectors; CayleyHamilton theorem; Euclidean nspace;
Lineartransformations from IRn to IRm; Properties of linear transformationsfrom IRn to
IRm; Real vector spaces and subspaces; Basis andDimension, Change of basis, Rank and
Nullity; Inner product spaces;Diagonalization; Linear transformations: Kernel and Range.
Vector Analysis : Scalars and vectors, equality of vectors; Addition and subtraction of
vectors; Multiplication of vectors by scalars; Position vector of a point; Scalar and vector
product of two vectors and their geometrical interpretation; Triple products and multiple
products of vectors; Linear dependence and independence of vectors; Definition of line,
surface and volume integral; Gradient, divergence and curl of point functions; Gauss’s
theorem, Stoke’s theorem, Green’s theorem and their applications.
MATH 2201 Statistics and Probability
Contact hours/week: 3, Credit: 3
Introduction, Sets and Frequency distribution; Mean, Median, Mode and other measures of
central tendency; Standard deviation and other measures of dispersion; Moments skewness
and kurtosis; Elementary probability, Application of statistical methods to engineering
problems: Random variables;
Discrete and continuous probability distributions; discontinuous probability distributions
(Binomial, Poisson and negative binomial); Characteristics of Distributions functions of
random variables and derived distributions; expectation and moments of random variables;
point estimation of distribution parameters: methods of moments and maximum likelihood,
Bayesian Analysis; confidence intervals; hypothesis tests; nonparametric statistical tests;
simple and multiple linear regression and model selection; Analysis of variance, Correlation,
Estimation theory.
General Education Courses
GED1101 English for Technical Communication
Contact hours/week: 3, Credit: 3
Introduction: current approaches to learning english, communicationtoday.
Phonetics: phonetics and correct english pronunciation.
Syntax: vocabulary, diction and english sentence; sentence variety andstyle; grammatical
Reading skill : readability, reading strategies, generating ideas through purposive reading,
reading of selected stories, comprehension.
Writing skill : principles of effective writing; generating ideas,planning, organization and
development of writing; composition,précis.
Syllabus for the Dept. of EEE of Affiliated Engineering Colleges, Dhaka University
Written communication: business communication, tenders andQuotations, journal articles,
Listening skill : listening to recorded texts; learning to take useful notes and answering
Speaking skill : dialogue in peer work; participation in discussion and debate; extempore
speech; narrating events; story telling; presentation.
GED-1201: Bangladesh Studies [3.0 credits, 45 hours lecture]
(Pre-requisite Courses: None)
Introduction to the course and its objectives . History and
Society of Bengal under the British rule and Pakistan rule :
The impact of British and Pakistan rules on the economy and
education of the people. Language Movement of 1952, Events
Leading to the Mass Upsurge of 1969, War of Independence and
the Emergence of Bangladesh in 1971. Study of Geography and
Resources of Bangladesh: Location, Area, Boundary, Ecological
Settings, River System, Climate, People and Resources of
Bangladesh. Social Structure of Bangladesh. Culture of
Bangladesh : Language, Literature, Art and Culture of
Bangladesh. Politics, Formation and role of major political
parties in Bangladesh and Constitutional development of
Bangladesh.Economy of Bangladesh.Achievements in different
sectors (economy, culture, sports etc.) of Bangladesh. Socio-
cultural problems and prospects of Bangladesh.
GED 2101 Financial Account& Economic Analysis
Contact hours/week: 3, Credit: 3
Accountancy: Basic accounting principles, Transaction, Journal, Ledger and Accounts. Cash
book, Bank Reconciliation statement.Preparation of Financial Statement. Cost Accounts and
its objects. Cost classification. Elements of costs, preparation
of cost sheet. Overhead allocation. Use of Relevant costs in DecisionMaking, Standard
costing. Material costvariance. Break even analysis.
Definition of Economics. Economics and Engineering.
MicroEconomics: The theory of demand and supply and their elasticity. Price determination.
Nature of aneconomic theory, applicability of economic theories to the problems of
developing countries. Indifference curvetechnique. Marginal analysis. Production, production
function, types of productivity. Rational region of productionof an engineering firm.
Concepts of market and market structure. Cost analysis and cost function.Small
scaleproduction and large scale production. Optimization. Theory of distribution.
MacroEconomics: Savings, investment, employment, National income analysis. Inflation.
Monetary policy, fiscalpolicy and trade policy with reference to Bangladesh. Economics of
development and planning.
Syllabus for the Dept. of EEE of Affiliated Engineering Colleges, Dhaka University
GED 2201 Professional Ethics and Moral Thoughts
Contact hours/week: 3, Credit: 3
Ethics : Meaning, Definition of ethics, need of Ethics, Ethical Dilemma, Why peopleact
Unethically, Different branch of ethics, General Ethics, Framework for general ethics.
Professional Ethics : Definition of Profession and Professional Ethics. Objectives of
Professional Ethics, Code of Professional Ethics. History and Development of Engineering
ethics, study of ethics in Engineering, Applied ethics in Engineering. Human qualities of an
engineer. Obligation of an engineer to the clients. Attitude of an engineer to other engineer.
Measures to be taken in order to improve the quality of engineering profession.
Ethical Expectations : Employers and Employees, interprofessional relationship.
Professional organizationmaintaining a commitment of ethical standard. Desired
characteristics of a professional code. Institutionalization of Ethical conduct.
GED 3101 Engineering Management
Contact hours/week: 3, Credit: 3
Business and industrial law : Law of contract, elements of valid contract. Consideration,
Parties competent to contact. Sale of goods, hire and purchase. Negotiable instrument.
Industrial law in Bangladesh : various ordinance payments of wages, legislation relating
employment in industries, factories, shops and agriculture, trade union act.
Human resources management in business: Human factors and motivation, leadership, group
decision making and communication, job gradation, process of performance appraisal and
reward systems, managing information for decision and management information systems.
Marketing management : Understanding marketing management, developing marketing
strategies, conducting marketing research, analyzing consumer and business market,
identifying market segments and targets, dealing with competition.
Safety: Evolution of modern safety concepts, industrial hazard, safety and risk management,
productivity, worker health and safety, proactive management techniques for safety
management, safety standards and regulations for engineering works, fire safety, hazardous